
A child needs both, freedom and discipline. Freedom inspires creativity and through discipline he finds the correct expression. It is therefore necessary to balance both for personal development.

Art & Craft

To nurture and bring out the inner talents, drawing paintings or making things with one's own hands is a perfect way. Art & Craft club trains students to such an extent that they even organize Art Exhibitions of their own paintings. It is seen that all the students' right have exposure and opportunity to express their ability in drawing paintings, wallpapers, and various craft items. Various prizes won by the students in drawing competitions at state, national and international level confirm that they are globally competitive.

Music & Dance

Another form to convey your internal feeling with vibrating energy is music and dance. ILS students are trained in vocal and instrumental music and classical as well as western dances. The school is establishing its own Music Band consisting of many students. All the students have a music & dance period once in a week and in addition to that, the interested students are provided further training during sports activity period every day.


We believe in "A sound mind in a sound body". Various games develop concentration, discipline and sportsmanship in the students. ILS has exemplary sports facilities and well-trained coaches to provide continuous guidance. ILS students have won the state-level and national-level championship numerous times in games like football, volleyball, skating, karate, yoga & swimming.


Whether acting or watching a performance can transform understanding and perception of human journeys. All students at Liberty School experience an enriched Performing Arts program with depth and quality. The program develops skills, which help the students to express their ideas and feelings and follows the Montessori concept that children learn best by doing. Drama classes are dynamic, with students actively participating.


International Liberty School has an active Model United Nations (MUN) club that allows students to role-play as UN delegates, debate global issues, and develop skills in critical thinking, public speaking, and diplomacy. MUN participation provides valuable academic and personal benefits, including attending regional and international MUN conferences where students represent assigned countries and engage with peers. The school is proud of its MUN program and encourages all interested students to join this dynamic initiative that prepares them to be informed, engaged, and empathetic global citizens.

Rotary Community services

Interact is a worldwide social international organization of Rotary International. Interact is a club for young people ages 12-18 who want to join together to tackle the issues in their community that they care most about. Through Interact, you can: Carry out hands-on service projects, Make international connections and Develop leadership skills Purpose of Interact: The purpose of Interact is to provide opportunity for you people to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service and international understanding.