Teachers strive to establish partnerships with parents to support student learning. Strong communication is fundamental to this partnership and to building a sense of community between home and school. In these changing times, teachers must continue to develop and expand their skills in order to maximize effective communication with parents.

ILS is striving hard to establish strong working relationships between teachers and parents to :

- Engage parents and to monitor student success.

- Support and improve student performance.

- Give parents the opportunity to understand the school policy regarding the educational process.

- Provide updates on homework assignments and classroom highlights.

- Understand the cultural and linguistic diversity reflected in the families of their students.

Ways of communicating parents adopted in ILS:

Facebook Page is another way of communication with parents as it provides parents with all the activities, projects, visits and field trips. It is also considered away of communication and delivering information in case of emergencies.

Parent - teacher conference is held twice a year in the school to discuss the students' academic progress and achievements and develop a sense of strong relationship between teachers and parents. It gives teachers as well as parents the opportunity to discus and work on developing what's working with the students. It allows teachers to listen to the parents' input and plan recommendation.

Student weekly progress is a written evaluative form of giving information regarding the students progress. It is sent home to parents at the end of each quarter. Reports provide an analysis of academic development across content areas, information about student's weakness and strength and learning style as well as an assessment of the student's social development.

Sending parents emails is another way of communication used in ILS. Sometimes parents are too busy to come to school or even have time to check their kid's weekly progress evaluation. In a way to ensure delivering the results, we send e-mails to parents with the attachment of their son/daughter weekly progress.

Using Our website is a very interactive and useful way of communication for parents and school teachers and administration. It provides all the academic updates, resources, links, calendar, newsletters, recent and upcoming events.

Parents are sent newsletters at the beginning of each quarter that include all the topics the school covers in all subjects.

Report card is a written evaluative form of giving information regarding the students progress. It is sent home to parents at the end of each quarter. Reports provide an analysis of academic development across content areas, information about student's weakness and strength and learning style as well as an assessment of the student's social development.

Every week, parents are sent their kid's portfolios that include all the quizzes taken during the week to be signed and sent back to school to keep as a record for students' academic achievement.

School heads of departments made groups on whatsapp for each grade level to make it easy for parents to follow up their kid's updates on daily basis.