Health & Safety

We endeavor to provide an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for all our students. We take all comments and suggestions concerning health and safety very seriously.

Close Circuit Television

Close Circuit Television

Our campus is equipped with around 120 CCTV to ensure the safety of our school community. The system covers all entry and exit points as well as a number of key areas including most of the classes.

Evacuation Procedures

Evacuation Procedures

Fire notices are posted in all floors. There is a fire and evacuation drill at least once a year and the processes are reviewed regularly.

Drivers' Permission

Drivers' Permission

To ensure the safety of our students, domestic helpers and private drivers are not permitted to wait inside the school premises during school hours without prior authorization.

School Doctor / Nurse

School Doctor / Nurse

The school has a qualified doctor and nurse to provide medical care and advice for students. They provide first aid for minor incidents. Parents will be contacted if their child needs to go home due to illness. It is important to keep sick children at home until they fully recover, and parental approval is always sought for immunization campaigns.



Our clinic stocks over-the-counter medications for minor situations. The school doctor can administer medication to students with parental consent. Parents are advised to consult their private doctor for adjusting medication timing. We accommodate special diets and allergies if informed and documented in the registration form.



The school provides the Ministry of Health Medical Insurance for all students and has a partnership with more than one private hospital. Parents have the autonomy to select the best option for their child. All staff members are covered by Ministry of Health insurance and the school adhered to all government health and safety protocols.



The school prioritizes hygiene and cleanliness, minimizing infection risk through proper ventilation and sanitization. Children are taught about personal hygiene and handwashing. Isolating sick children and preventing infection from arising at school are also prioritized. Regular head lice checks are conducted for younger children.

Psychology Services

Psychology Services

School Psychologists collaborate with administrators and school personnel to enhance mental and physical wellness, facilitate student learning, and address academic, career, and social/personal development.

Security Guards

Security Guards

The school employs around 20 security personnel for 24-hour protection. Visitors must report to the security office for identification and wear a visitor pass. New visitors are not allowed to wander unescorted. Parents are reminded of safety procedures and their cooperation is required.