At ILS, we believe that rewards are more effective than sanctions. Alongside a strong curriculum, we recognize that positive incentives are the most effective behavior management strategy and that rewards form a significant part of that. Our reinforcement is consistently delivered, timely, age-appropriate, fairly and contingent on behavior and/or Academic level. Our rewards are social, natural and direct, meaning students follow our rules because they understand the benefits for themselves and the school community. These intangible rewards are the strongest pastoral tools we have and are central to our aim of instilling values such as self-reliance, co-operation, honesty and productivity

An Elementary student is chosen MONTHLY from each class to be given a cup for reflecting the ethical values discussed. The honored student goes back home with the crown or medal or Cup and returns it back to the class on the next day. For Prep and Sec students the Cup is replaced by the Honor cap or scarf and the rewarded student will take charge of the morning line along with the PE. teachers.

In 2023, the School will begin Random Academic & Kindness Acts Coupons - “RAKA Coupons” where each form teacher has a one or two yellow coupons each week to reward students for their academics and kindness acts and good behavior on daily basis. The student has the choice to receive his gift for each coupon from the stationary or collect coupons to get a higher value coupon. Upon collecting 10 yellow coupons the students will be eligible for a green one that can be exchanged by a higher value gift, and collecting 10 green coupons makes him eligible for an orange coupon that can be redeemed by the highest value gift. For Prep and Sec students: Rewards in the form of House of Points are awarded by teachers on a weekly basis and are totaled each semester /trimester for announcement in Year group assemblies. Certificates are also awarded for certain milestones achieved by individuals in the accumulation of House Points. Bronze (10 Points), silver (25 Points), gold (50 Points) awards for collection of a fixed number of merits.

  • Issue of merit stickers in the planner
  • Praise and teachers’ signatures
  • Certificates, badges, sashes, prizes
  • Positive letters
  • Praise postcards
  • End of year trips
  • Fun Activities ( A dish party for the class / An out of uniform day at school / A day out shopping / Movie/Play station Time)
  • Recognition in assemblies
  • Presentation evenings
  • Publicity via the School newsletter, School website, plasma screen, notice boards and local media
  • Vouchers/Presents in the form of sweets or toys or educational Souvenirs from the stationary
  • Free trips and free visits