It is always preferable for families to arrange a visit of the school.

A visit / tour in school grounds is held daily at

o 9:30 till 1:00 during summer days

o 8:30 till 10:00 during working days

The parents are not allowed to enter any class during the working day.

After an application is received, the candidate is invited to the school for an admissions assessment. A member of the admissions team will contact the applicant’s parent/guardian to arrange a date and time for the assessment. Assessment can be held at the same day if the applicant is prepared for it.

Pre-School and Foundation Stages

The placement test for students in the Pre-School and Foundation Stages will assess the child’s proficiency in the following areas:

  • Alphabet recognition
  • Counting concepts
  • Identification of shapes, colors, and animal
  • Social skills and the ability to follow instructions in English
  • Fine and gross motor skills

Additionally, a brief evaluation may be conducted to assess developmental milestones and readiness for the learning environment. The assessment is expected to take approximately 10-15 minutes.

Year 1 to Year 10

Acceptance for students in Year 1 to Year 10 is based on the results of a Placement Test, which is designed to determine the applicant's competency in English (writing and reading) and mathematics. The test scores are used to assess the applicant’s competency and academic preparedness for the grade level they are applying for.

Additionally, an oral short interview may be conducted to check the student's fluency in English which is an important criterion for admission.

The duration of the admission test varies, ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 hours for both the English and mathematics components.

International Liberty schools want to learn more about the child who is applying, and who better than the parents to tell us that. We want to know the kind of person you are – whether you’ll fit into our community or not.

That's why we made a questionnaire for the parents to help us know their children well.

According to the information stated above, the application is classified to:

  • Exceeds the school’s expectations for the grade level to which the application is made

  • Meets expectations

  • Approaching expectations; only admitted in extenuating circumstances

  • Does not meet school expectations for the grade level to which the application is made

The Admissions Committee at ILS carefully evaluates each candidate's application materials to determine their suitability for admission. Criteria used include motivation, academic performance, good conduct, commitment to the ILS vision, and parental commitment. Other factors include placement test results, impressions from interviews, special strengths and talents, past academic performance, and previous school records. Experience with the British System is an advantage but not a pre-requisite.

Priority is given to applicants with English as a first language, siblings already attending or applying to the school, number of applicants and available spaces, and children of ex-students.

The Admissions Committee reserves the right to refuse or defer an offer if there are no available places in classes, required pass marks, documents are not submitted, or the applicant has been excluded for disciplinary reasons in any other school.

  • Acceptance:

    If an applicant is accepted, this will be followed by a call of acceptance

    There may also be additional subject choice forms to complete, depending on the grade level. If the offer of a place has not been accepted by the 2 weeks deadline, it can be offered to another family.

  • Denial

    If an applicant is denied a place, a call or email is sent to confirm this.

  • Waiting lists

    If an applicant is accepted but no space is available in the appropriate stage, he/she will be placed on a waiting list, and the parents will be sent a letter or email to confirm this. When a place becomes available in the appropriate stage, it will be offered to a student on the waiting list.f an applicant is accepted but no space is available in the appropriate stage, he/she will be placed on a waiting list, and the parents will be sent a letter or email to confirm this. When a place becomes available in the appropriate stage, it will be offered to a student on the waiting list.

  • If offered a place parents/guardian must indicate in writing their acceptance of the place within two weeks of receiving the offer. Parents must return, with their written acceptance, the completed form in relation to their acceptance to the student – parent handbook. Failure to do so may result in an offer being forfeited.

  • Copy of birth certificate and vaccination report card.

  • A Colored photocopy of the applicant's passport (If available).

  • A Colored photocopy of the applicant's passport is optional for grades from Pre-K till Grade 9 and a must for Grades 10, 11 and 12. o A completed application form, available from the admission office.

  • In case of applying for K2 a full year of school transcripts or reports are required. If the applicant is applying in the middle of the scholastic year, a transcript or report for the year in progress is required as well, School reports/transcripts are better to be in English language.

  • Two full years of school transcripts or reports. These should cover two complete years (the most recently completed academic year and the previous one) as well as the year in progress, if applicable. School reports/transcripts are better to be in English language. o 2 Teacher recommendation letters OR Confidential (sealed stamped) letter of good conduct from the most recent _ if requested

  • Parent's ID Cards and Passports Copies

  • Parent’s University or latest educational Certificates

  • Medical form: completed by the parents.

The application, entry and tuition fees are set out each year. Tuition fees are to be paid in two installments and are due by the following dates of each year:

*Installment One: August the 1st

*Installment Two: January the 1st.